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Into Philosophy

Let Me Show You Some of My History

Katherine finally explains why she left college for a year: she found it fake. But now she's going back, and she is on a mission, slow and steady.

GRIEF-SPUN WISDOM IN THE DIRT: Of Popular Death Practices

A conversation about dirt becomes a discussion of death, grief, and philosophy.

Growing Older and The Value of Intergenerational Bonds

For old age to be understood differently, our whole life needs rethinking. And so, too, the philosophy that is humanly satisfying.

Complete Philosophy Is Personal: We Relate to Each Other

As many of us head into the new year, perhaps it’s worth remembering how philosophy is personal.

What Can’t Be Learned in School (“Working on the World”)

What is it to responsibly work on the world? Some college students want to know.

How Intergenerational Is the Academy? Into the Planetary Project

Intergenerational integrity reshapes the academy, beginning with the Earth that gave rise to us.

What Do We Do When We Talk about “Evil”?

Talk about “evil” is beside the point.

Think What Academia Does to People: Beauvoir contra Precarity

Under what conditions can your academic work be meaningful? De Beauvoir has an unsettling and extreme answer.

Dig in and Look Beyond Appearances: Campus Politics Lacks Community

Katherine speaks to her old friend Nora about what political engagement on campus lacks, online politics, and helping to make our communities work.

How to Be Foolish in Being Angry: Against Sarcasm

What does the fool do when they are irritated by their conditions enough that they feel like tearing into everything? They let the irritation reach their soul. They let another’s beliefs or practices trouble them. Like I said, they are foolish.