Into Philosophy

“Study,” “Otherwise Worlds,” & the Issues that Arise in Life

Katherine speaks with radical educator Laura Nelson about the university, the idea of study, and building community at Harvard and beyond.

Reason & the Life to Come: Caleb Cohoe on Spiritual Exercises

John Cooper was right that truth and reason matter to philosophy as a way of life; but not only truth and reason matter.

Unfinished Garden: Desislava Parashkevova

A process philosopher concerned with individuation leaves academia to tend her own garden. Much to her surprise and relief, there, alongside her family - it flourishes unfinished.

To Learn Is Beautiful, But Who Gets To? Katherine Starting Out

Wanting to study philosophy, Katherine Cassese will be taking us through her time in college. As she prepared to leave Cleveland, Ohio for Cambridge, Massachusetts, Sidra & Jeremy interviewed her about her new mini-series.

Marisa Diaz-Waian: Philosophy, like Love, Is For Everyone

Marisa Diaz-Waian runs a community-based learning program in outdoor Montana.

A Little Place to Oppose Insecurity in the World

What constitutes a moral relationship to knowledge? And what do our institutions have to be like to create the grounds for such a relationship?

Is There Room for Everyone’s Odd, Lost Life in Philosophy?

Something was bugging them, and it wasn't just Headgear (the 90s spellcheck-correction for "Heidegger" on Word). Why do we typically feel that the intellectual position of philosophers - and the work that embodies it - need not represent who they are?

Genealogies of Philosophy: Mariëtte Willemsen

Mariëtte Willemsen moved from language games to compassion, from Nietzsche to Murdoch - a cycle in Amsterdam over forty years.

An Education that Works for Students: Paul Blaschko

Beginning from their perspective, design courses for students to live a good life. Now you've an accessible way into philosophy.

American Ecstatics: A Surfacing

We have to make room for societies that are not colonial. American philosophy has not come to terms with this task. It is more than theoretical.