
Time Will Tell - search results

The Job Market: Applications, Imbalances, and a Stale Narrative

...regular as the sunrise. Generally well-meaning advice givers tell the prospective candidates how to tailor their materials, their accomplishments, and even their mannerisms to the needs of the search committees....

Early-Career Research Spotlight: Brandon Warmke

...just an appearance. There is nothing about the phenomenon of forgiveness, as far as I can tell, that is essentially “religious” (whatever that means). We all have to deal with...

The Job Market: How to Get an Interview at a Community College (Part 1), got four interviews, and got a job. What made the difference? By the time I did the California applications, I was chair of my department, with all the duties...

Philosophy and Current Events: The Epistemology of Drone Strikes

...elicit a kind of doubt in us the next time we are asked, say, when the Battle of New Orleans took place, or when asked to explain what occurs when...

APA Member Perspective: “You’re a philosopher, eh? What do philosophers do?”

...worked, she went with it. When I started pursuing a career in acting, she went with it. But when I tell her about philosophy, she’s got questions. I was recently...

The Teaching Workshop: Teaching a Mixed-Level Class

...but there have got to be other things to do here. Tell me! Answers: David Concepcion: Don’t try to hit the sweet spot: differentiate. Novices learn best by following sequential...

Early-Career Research Spotlight: Adrian Currie why expect to get it right the first (or second, or third, or…) time? Justin: That was helpful; I may need to spend more time on the third one!...

Advice for Applying for Academic Jobs in Philosophy: Indiana University Bloomington (Part 5: Campus Visits, Job Talks, and the Teaching Demo), I visited his institute, showed sincere admiration for it, and got the job. I tell this story because it ended happily. But I should also tell you about the...

What Are You Reading? (February 1–7)

It’s Monday, which means it’s time for another open thread to discuss what we’re reading for our research, and perhaps to recommend things to one other! Our hope for these...

Taking Life Outside the Academy Seriously: Advice for Advisors

...letters, resumes, and interviews, I landed a full-time job, which I love. I’m not the first person to leave the academy, and it isn’t news that academic employment and funding...