Women in Philosophy

cover of a Chinese women's magazine from the early 20th century

From the “Chinese Simone de Beauvoir” to the “Chinese He Yin Zhen”: Decolonizing Anglo-European...

He Yin Zhen (1884—circa 1920) was a radical Chinese anarcha-feminist political philosopher. Her radicalness manifests itself not only in her views on such issues...
photo of strawberries

Ozempic, “Food Noise,” and the Pathologization of Hunger

An immense cultural discourse has sprouted around Ozempic and Wegovy, two prescription drugs that are being used to help people lose weight. One effect...
retro cartoon of woman in a kitchen with apron

Tradwife Aesthetic: When Being the Beauvoirian Other Reemerges as a Social Media Trend

If you have been on social media for the past few years, you might have encountered a particular type of content that transports us...
Cajita de amor

Maria Lugones: A Meditation on Acompañamiento, Compartir y Compas

A continuación se encuentra una versión en español. A Spanish translation of this post is below. I remember the first time I met you. It was...
historical black and white photograph of women and children at KKK event

How Not to Excuse Far-Right Women

“I am still in utter disbelief by Thursday’s verdict. Never in my life did I imagine my own government would charge me as a...
Image by Slowking4, adapted by Andrea Sullivan-Clarke. Copyright available here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/deed.en

Epistemic Refusal as a Form of Indigenous* Resistance and Respect

“Refusal is simultaneously a negation of access to information and resources, as well as an affirmation of sovereignties.” Rachel Flowers I am an Indigenous philosopher, and...
cartoon woman thinking with twirling 'this way' signs

The Motherhood Identity

The Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court decision stripped women of the constitutional right to an abortion, setting up a showdown among...
Person dressed in black protective gear on a red motorcycle with a blurry background.

Women in Philosophy Behaving Badly? Or Madly?

*The term “Mad” is a contentious identifier. I use Mad as a form of resistance but not all diagnosed persons are on board. The...

What Does It Mean To Depend On Someone?

Acknowledging dependence Let’s say I’m traveling out of town this weekend. This might, in some sense, reflect my independence, but my solo trip is layered...
Multi colored image of a head with a star at the center, colors

How Not to Latinify Philosophy

The man in charge of getting me ready for my first round of job interviews asked me to define “The Epoché.” He watched disgustedly...