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Syllabus Showcase: Society, Justice and Health Care, Giancarlo Tarantino

SYLLABUS REFLECTION Health Care Ethics and Society is a sophomore-level course at the Arrupe College of Loyola University Chicago. Arrupe is a small associate degree-granting,...

Syllabus Showcase: Education and Justice, Brynn F. Welch

“In the treatment of the child the world foreshadows its own future and faith.” ~W.E.B. DuBois “The classroom remains the most radical space of possibility...
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Why Am I So Tired?: How Work Email Makes Us Feel Overworked

Like most of us, I have been exhausted for the past few years. My workload went back to normal after the first crazy years...
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Syllabus Showcase: Medieval Philosophy, Michael Wiitala

Below is my syllabus for Medieval Philosophy at Cleveland State University. At Cleveland State, Medieval is a 200-level general education course that philosophy majors...
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My Experience With Heidegger

One of the most conceptually challenging courses I took before starting graduate studies was a course I took at the University of Iowa, taught...
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APA Member Interview: Matthew Jones

Matthew Jones grew up in a rural area with an active curiosity that left him interested in the wider world. This eventually led him...
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Merging Plato’s Education as Midwifery and Pop Culture Philosophy

Ever since I was offered a teaching position as an adjunct junior faculty of Philosophy a couple of months after graduation, I have always...
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The Transformative Power of Philosophy

Democrat or Republican? Pro-life or pro-choice? Back the blue or defund the police? Support drag shows or homophobic ideas? News, social media, and laypeople...

Undergraduate Philosophy Club: University of Alabama at Birmingham

The Student Fellowship of Philosophy at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, colloquially known as Philosophy Club, was revived in 2022 after a brief...
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Syllabus Showcase: Ethical Issues in Health Care, Megan Dean

This is the most recent version of a healthcare ethics undergraduate course that I’ve been teaching since 2016. I first developed it as a...