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Dr. Skyer Teaching

Syllabus Showcase: Foundations of Educational Research, Michael Skyer

A graduate student approaches me, signing in ASL, “Dr. Skyer… can we have a meeting? I have something to ask you.” This question used...

The Trolley Problem Without a Trolley

When you present students with the trolley problem, they may respond that the various scenarios are implausible. After all, who has ever been in...
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Syllabus Showcase: Death and Immortality, Heinrik Hellwig

In the Spring of 2022, I had the honor of teaching a capstone course for senior philosophy majors at the University of Alabama at...
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My First Semester: Refining Argumentation Through Philosophy of Mind

In the first year of my program, I enrolled in a class titled Philosophy of Mind. By this time in my studies I had...

Syllabus Showcase: First Contact, Adam Etinson

In theory, philosophy can be about anything. In practice, this is mostly fantasy. Philosophy is today as specialized a discipline as any other, which...

The Pre-Doc Publications Arms Race

A recent tweet marveling at the accomplishments of new Philosophy Ph.D. students currently on the market has provoked some strong feelings. The tweet makes...

Undergraduate Philosophy Club: California State University, Fresno

Though we don’t know the exact year it was founded, Fresno State Philosophy Club has operated for over thirty years. Back in the 1990s,...
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A Graduate Seminar With a Unique Topic: Teacher Training

It is not uncommon for graduate students in philosophy to be thrown into teaching without any formal training or preparation. This practice seems to...

Planning a Successful Academic Conference

One of the very first conferences that I presented for when I was a graduate student at Montclair State University was the Mid-Atlantic Region...
Teaching and Learning Video Series

Positive Propaganda: Dave Chappelle and his White Buddy “Chip”

This video highlights, via humorous understatement in a brief narrative, the very different experiences white and black people often have with the police. An...