Making an Impact: APA Committee Service
As you’ve likely seen in emails, website announcements, and social media posts recently, we are currently in the midst of the APA’s open nominations...
Meet the APA: Andy Cullison
Andrew Cullison is currently the founding executive director of the Cincinnati Ethics Center, which launched at the University of Cincinnati in January 2022. Prior...
Upcoming Ethical and Responsible Research Webinar
Lead image: © This is Engineering
Jason Borenstein is the Director of the National Science Foundation’s Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2) Program. Jason will be participating...
Eastern APA Secretary-Treasurer Retrospective
From 2017 until January 2023, I served in the role of Eastern Division Secretary-Treasurer (S-T). It’s not a particularly well-known role, though anyone who...
Meet the APA: Amy Ferrer
Amy Ferrer has been Executive Director of the APA since 2012. She holds a bachelor’s degree in women’s studies and a master’s degree in...
Inside the APA: Paper Submissions and Program Diversity
The annual meetings of the divisions of the APA are the largest generalist philosophy conferences serving our membership. To be truly generalist, they must...
Meet the APA: Richard Bett
Richard Bett is Professor of Philosophy, with a secondary appointment in Classics, at Johns Hopkins University, where he has worked since 1991. His scholarly...
Inside the APA: Reflections and Predictions from the APA Board Chairs
The dialogue below is between the outgoing and incoming chairs of the APA board of officers. Dominic McIver Lopes finished his three-year term on...
Announcing Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall as Incoming Editor-in-Chief
As outgoing Editor-in-Chief of the Blog of the APA, I am pleased to announce Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall as the incoming Editor-in-Chief.
Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall...
Meet the APA: Lucy Santerre
Lucy Santerre is the APA's Program Assistant for the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s grant to support diversity institutes in philosophy.
I am proud to say...