APABeyond Academia, the APA's guide to non-academic careers, is now available

Beyond Academia, the APA’s guide to non-academic careers, is now available

The APA is pleased to announce the 2016 edition of Beyond Academia: Professional Opportunities for Philosophers. Originally published as Careers for Philosophers in 1984, this resource has been periodically updated and revised over the years. The 2016 edition of Beyond Academia was prepared by the committee on non-academic careers under the leadership of committee chair Amelie Rorty.

Beyond Academia is intended to provide guidance in the form of resources, information, and advice to philosophers who are interested in exploring a wide range of professions outside of academia. It includes many links to resources for non-academic career opportunities; data on non-academic careers, including new academic placement data and analysis; and biographical essays of philosophers who have successfully found ways to use their philosophical training outside of academia. Beyond Academia also provides recommendations for department chairs and placement officers on maintaining connections with philosophers working outside academia and preparing philosophy students for non-academic careers.


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