
women in philosophy - search results

Syllabus Showcase: Philosophy of Science (Without Mentioning Logical Positivism, Popper, or Kuhn), Joel Katzav

Standard philosophy of science courses tells us that philosophy of science emerged in the US as a result of the arrival of the Logical Positivists in the 1930s. These immigrants...

Medical Records and Epistemic Injustice: A Women’s Health Issue Worthy of Greater Attention on and knowledge about the specific conditions/symptoms that women experience may contribute to the failure to perceive women’s accounts as credible. Therefore, women and others experiencing menstrual or gynecological...

Decolonizing Philosophy: The Contributions of Françoise Vergès

...for philosophical reasons, namely, to elongate my argument that written philosophy is always in relationship with oral or verbal philosophy and are both contributing grounds for reason. However, oral philosophy...

Philosophy of Mind Should Be a Feminist Place (And Here’s How) relevant to all philosophy of mind. We are not thinking of feminist philosophy of mind as a segregated subfield for some people to dabble in, while mainstream, “serious” philosophy...

The Bravery Paradox: Society and Hidden Disabilities

...some way, but wasn’t sure exactly how until the pandemic, when she started using TikTok to pass the time. She would search for videos of clumsy or forgetful women she...

Exit Interview with Kathryn Sophia Belle

...all due respect, what does philosophy have to offer Black women? It is not obvious to me that philosophy has anything special to offer Black women today. I make this...

Jenny Strandberg

Dr. Strandberg received her PhD in Philosophy with a certificate in Women’s and Gender Studies from Stony Brook University in 2020. Her scholarship broadly explores Plato’s political philosophy and its...

The Philosopher of the Titanic

...adventures.” That Blumenbergian claim seems a stretch, for instance, because Blumenberg considers few women among the humans who take such risks. Pandora isn’t in the mix, for example, though in...

Inside the APA: Paper Submissions and Program Diversity

The annual meetings of the divisions of the APA are the largest generalist philosophy conferences serving our membership. To be truly generalist, they must be diverse. In 2018 and 2019...

Kathryn Sophia Belle

...she was promoted to associate professor with tenure and held several major leadership and administrative roles). Her scholarly specializations include African American/Africana Philosophy, Black Feminist Philosophy, Continental Philosophy/Existentialism, and Social/Political...