
women in philosophy - search results

Putting Together a Speakers Series: The Center for Interpretive and Qualitative Research (CIQR)

...research. Moreover, two of our departments provided a unique combination of resources for phenomenology and other forms of qualitative research. The philosophy PhD program was devoted to continental philosophy and...

Anti-Black Racism in Arendt, and Philosophy’s Dangerous Commitment to Purity is a son of his time; so philosophy also is its time apprehended in thoughts. It is just as foolish to fancy that any philosophy can transcend its present...

APA Member Interview: Cherie Braden

Cherie Braden is a graduate student in philosophy at the University of Colorado Boulder and an affiliated scholar in philosophy at Kenyon College. Tell me about yourself. I love epistemology...

Philosophers on the (Green) Market to set up shop. Of course, there is a place in philosophy for classes, lectures, and writings – for eliciting people’s reactions to works of philosophy that the professionals...

MAP Chapter Profile: University of California Santa Barbara

...the SoCal Region. Our Chapter’s research interests include: Inclusive Pedagogy, Mental Health, and Women in Philosophy. Corey McGrath, John Caravello, Sherri Lynn Conklin, Morgan Bennett Bigelow, Arnel Blake Batoon, Susanna...

Inside the APA: 2016 Divisional Meetings — Year in Review

...across all three meetings organized by the Committee on Public Philosophy—were among the highlights of the meetings for many attendees. I was very pleased to see this, as supporting public...

The Diotima Problem: Women Philosophers in Classical Antiquity

...we forget that there is philosophy in other ancient cultures too. Women feature in several classic texts of Indian philosophy. The Upanishads even depict women participating in philosophical debate with...

A Philosopher Watches…Captain America: Civil War the Department of Philosophy at the College of Staten Island /CUNY, where he teaches courses in philosophy, economics, and law. Find out more about Mark on his website here....

MAP Chapter Profile: Princeton

...philosophy aside from women and gender minorities. Undergraduates and graduate student participants enjoying an informal pizza dinner in the Philosophy Department lounge at Princeton. A nice thing about the Compass...

Academic Placement Data and Analysis: An Update with a Focus on Gender

...programs for this information in our next round of data gathering. Women philosophy graduates are more likely to find permanent academic placements because women are more likely to specialize in...