
AW Moore - search results

How Metaphors Can Illuminate Neuroscience

...avoid relativism? The rabid, unhelpful sort? G.E. Moore once pointed out how we are always trapped by what he called the “open question” in moral reasoning. Someone can always ask,...

Eastern APA 2017: Outsider Perspectives and Compatibilist Philosophy

...philosophy played in his community, Lycan discussed the community of philosophy.  It seems clear, he said, that the era of “big names” in philosophy (he specifically mentioned G.E. Moore and...

Early Career Research Spotlight: John Garner

...Quine, apparently) and H.-G. Gadamer both wrote dissertations on it—Gadamer specifically to counter Heidegger’s critique of Plato. A crew as diverse as Georg Cantor, G.E. Moore, and Giorgio Agamben were...

Philosophy and Current Events: The Epistemology of Drone Strikes

...of support that is even stronger than the traditional knowledge claim. G.E. Moore once offered a “long list of propositions…every one of which,” he says, “I know, with certainty, to...