
Nathan Eckstrand - search results

What Are You Reading? (March 14–20)

The work of Claudia Card was featured prominently in her Carus Lectures, delivered by proxy, at the 2016 APA Central Division Meeting last week. The field mourns the loss of...

What Are You Reading? (March 7–13)

By the time this is published, the Central APA will have come and gone. More coverage of the conference is forthcoming, but the “What Are You Reading?” column seems like...

Early-Career Research Spotlight: Brandon Warmke

...Refusal to Punish?” and “Situationism versus Situationism.” Nathan: Thanks for agreeing to talk, Brandon. A theme that seems to run through your work is the importance of salvaging certain virtues...

What Are You Reading? (February 29–March 6)

With all the election hysteria going on at the moment—illustrated most recently by The New York Times‘s interesting account of the Republican establishment’s attempts to stop the Trump campaign—it is...

What Are You Reading? (February 22–28)

Since the last time I wrote, I have shifted gears a bit. Instead of my paper on the phenomenology of race, I am now working on the question of revolution...

What Are You Reading? (February 15–21)

Given the recent flurry of news surrounding the firing of a tenured associate professor of philosophy at Mount St. Mary’s University, and that the APA just recently released a statement...

What Are You Reading? (February 8–14)

As a new associate editor of the Blog of the APA, I’m thrilled to be taking over the “What Are You Reading?” thread of blog posts. The readings that have...

Changes to the Editorial Team

...the same time, we are pleased to announce that Nathan Eckstrand will be taking over for Justin as our new associate editor for research and service posts. Nathan works in...


...Lomeli (Series Editor, Graduate Student Reflection Series). Stephen Bloch-Schulman (Series Editor, Question-Focused Pedagogy). Samuel Taylor (Series Editor, Professor Reflection Series). Past Editors-in-Chief Nathan Eckstrand ( is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Sam Houston State...