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Philosophy of Language, Helen L. Daly

My department at Colorado College lists the Philosophy of Language as an introductory course, but in my experience prior to this position, the philosophy...

Where Questions Come From

A lot of emphasis in education is placed on showing what you know. But for at least a decade now, as I’ve thought about...
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On Student-Faculty Relationships

It might seem as if since COVID swept the world, everyone has suffered a significant decrease in social interactions. Classes were disrupted, social events...
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 Existentialism, Joshua M. Hall

During COVID, I was part of the 40% of the tenure-line faculty laid off by William Paterson University in New Jersey, after which I...
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Responses to Liberalism, Alexis Dianda

Responses to Liberalism is both an elective in Xavier’s Department of Philosophy and one of a series of political philosophy courses in an interdisciplinary...

Teaching Moral Reasoning with Terminator and Jesus

Semester after semester, I embarked on helping students to appreciate that morally relevant decisions are not a matter of personal preference, and I struggled...

Introducing the Question-Focused Pedagogy (QFP) Series

“Wait… but Stephen… there are no bad questions.” And there is it. Even as it has continued to happen, class after class, every time it...
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Moral Psychology, Jada Wiggleton-Little

The following syllabus is for a virtual 5-week summer course on Moral Psychology forundergraduate students at a public university. The course specifically looked at...
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University of Arizona Philosophy Club

The University of Arizona Philosophy Club was founded a few years ago around 2020. Each semester we reserve rooms in one of the classrooms...

Two Principles of Academic Ethics

Some time ago, while I was advising a doctoral student regarding her search for an academic position, she showed me her graduate school transcript....