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Non-Canonical Texts and Teaching the History of Modern Philosophy: Why We Might as Well...

In my previous post, I made a case for abandoning the survey approach to the teaching of modern philosophy. In place of the survey...
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Non-Canonical Texts and Teaching the History of Modern Philosophy: Why We Might as Well...

There has been significant discussion of late regarding the importance of expanding the canon when discussing the early modern period. (See O'Neill, 2005 and...
The Teaching Workshop

The Teaching Workshop: Gina Schouten on Preparing to Trust One’s Judgment

One of the best things we can do to improve our pedagogy is share and think seriously about our teaching failures--our missteps, our lost...
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The Job Market: Teaching Demonstration

Many colleges and universities have their final round of candidates come to campus for various meetings, interviews, and presentations. One of the most underdiscussed...
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The Real Question Is, ‘Why Not Pre-College Philosophy?’

Over the past decade I’ve attended and/or presented at many conferences, both academic and professional, on issues in pre-college philosophy, or, broadly, theories supporting...
The Teaching Workshop

The Teaching Workshop: Failure on the Value of Historical Views

One of the best things we can do to improve our pedagogy is share and think seriously about our teaching failures--our missteps, our lost...
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PLATO Essay Contest

The PLATO High School Essay Contest gives students the opportunity to engage with timely and timeless philosophical issues and improve their academic writing.  It’s...

The Teaching Hub at the 2017 Eastern APA Meeting

What is The Teaching Hub? The Teaching Hub is a new collaborative meeting space, co-sponsored by the APA Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy (CTP)...

Open Educational Resources in the Philosophy Classroom

Just as journal subscription costs have skyrocketed over the last couple of decades, the cost of college textbooks has gone up significantly as well....
The Teaching Workshop

The Teaching Workshop: Undergraduate Advising

Welcome again to The Teaching Workshop, where your questions related to pedagogy are answered. Each post features questions submitted by readers with answers from...