Good Relationships, Jeremy Bendik-Keymer
Have you ever used a work contract that bypasses grade anxiety? There's one in a course created to meet a need undergraduates expressed during a moral development study: for more attention to their relationships.
Latin American Philosophy, Mariah Partida
In the Fall of 2022, I began teaching in the philosophy department at Texas State University (TXST), which has been a proud Hispanic-serving institution...
Teaching as an Act of Service
Even though I have taught my courses several times, I find that I am always excited to begin each new semester and to better...
Doorways and Rivers: Reintroducing the Graduate Student Reflection Series
I recently taught an eight-week course at Trinity Episcopal Parish in Searcy, Arkansas, on architectural and liturgical semiotics. I sought to answer this question:...
From the Hermeneutic Priority to a Phenomenology of (Shared) Questioning
I. The Hermeneutic Priority of Questioning
How does a sentence heard, seen, or felt transform into a meaning understood? We—linguistically shaped human beings—hear and see...
Undergraduate Philosophy Club: Aporia at Lehman College
There used to be a philosophy club at Lehman College a couple of years ago, but this one was inactive for a while. It...
Stoicism, Sandra Woien
Stoicism, an ancient school of thought originating with Zeno of Citium (334-262 BC), is experiencing a resurgence. Several thriving and robust Stoic communities exist...
Two Easy Techniques to Restore (or at Least Affirm) Academic Honesty
In reading social media posts by philosophers and speaking with colleagues around the country, there seem to be four faculty responses to the academic...
A Question for Teachers, Steven M. Cahn
To highlight a key element of successful teaching, consider this question: When you prepare to teach a class, is your primary focus on the...
The Godfather’s Mafia Meeting Scene: A Fictional Narrative of Hobbesian Contractarianism
Whenever I teach the undergraduate courses of Ethical Theory and Contemporary Social Ethics, I include The Godfather’s mafia meeting scene as part of these...