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Teaching Graduate Students to Teach

As one who has urged graduate departments to offer their students a practicum in teaching, I read with interest Heather Brant’s thoughtful post A...

Syllabus Showcase: Philosophy Summer Camp, a Portland State Faculty and Student Co-Creation

One morning you wake up and head to the kitchen, only to find someone who looks exactly like you sitting at the breakfast table...
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Syllabus Showcase: Neuroethics, Joshua May

One of my Neuroethics students quit smoking, using the tools of cognitive behavioral therapy. Another student aimed to regain his focus by deleting all...

Linguistic Justice and Neoliberalism in Academia

Academia in English-speaking countries has gradually become more and more international, regularly recruiting PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from abroad. This has led to...
Elon University Photo

Teaching Philosophy Outside

In Fall 2020, at the height of the pandemic, I was required to teach in person. Although quite uncomfortable, I improvised. On my first day...

Putting the Community back into Philosophy

Academic philosophers use the term public philosophy to mean making ivory-tower discourse available to a public audience. When a philosopher’s talk is open to...
Dr. Skyer Teaching

Syllabus Showcase: Foundations of Educational Research, Michael Skyer

A graduate student approaches me, signing in ASL, “Dr. Skyer… can we have a meeting? I have something to ask you.” This question used...

The Trolley Problem Without a Trolley

When you present students with the trolley problem, they may respond that the various scenarios are implausible. After all, who has ever been in...
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Syllabus Showcase: Death and Immortality, Heinrik Hellwig

In the Spring of 2022, I had the honor of teaching a capstone course for senior philosophy majors at the University of Alabama at...
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My First Semester: Refining Argumentation Through Philosophy of Mind

In the first year of my program, I enrolled in a class titled Philosophy of Mind. By this time in my studies I had...