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Learning to Live, Not Just to Think: How Philosophy is Changing Lives at Notre...

This post is an abridged version of a paper in a special issue of AAPT Studies in Pedagogy. That paper was co-authored by Evan...
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Syllabus Showcase: Introduction to Global Philosophy

Introductory courses can have a variety of legitimate goals, depending on the type of institution at which one teaches and the students one has,...

Are We Talking About Writing the Right Way?

If your grad student or department parties are anything like mine, then you talk about writing a ton; what we’re writing, what we’re procrastinating writing, and...
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Teaching the Uninterested

Why are some students uninterested in philosophy and what can be done about it? That was the theme of our panel discussion at Oklahoma...
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Philosophical Dialogue 101: Building PWOL Communities through Reflective Conversations

If asked to imagine what a “philosopher” looks like, most people would probably picture someone a bit detached from the real world. The stereotypical...
Teaching and Learning Video Series

Zeno’s Paradox Illustrated by an Impossible Dance

It can be difficult to teach Zeno’s paradox to a class of incoming freshmen. Therefore, I was delighted when a student of mine pointed...
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Reflections on Making my Course Relevant for Students’ Lived Experience

I have always cared about making the connection between the classroom and the world abundantly clear for my students, who sometimes express the sentiment...
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Syllabus Showcase: Bioethics

I teach Bioethics at Marist College in Poughkeepsie. I have been teaching this course for about 6 years. Marist College has offered this course for...
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Oklahoma Philosophy Day

In spring 2023, we hosted the first-annual Oklahoma Philosophy Day at the University of Central Oklahoma. The event was more than just a conference,...

Undergraduate Philosophy Club: The University of Washington

Our philosophy club, The Philosophy Society at the University of Washington, formally began in 2018 under the leadership of Jason Lim, who was president...