Logic and Critical Thinking, Matthew Lampert
I begin my Logic course with a selection from Descartes’s Discourse on Method (parts of §§1 and 2), because for me that book lays...
Philosophy of Language, Landon D. C.Elkind
This syllabus is designed for a course that introduces students to some issues in the philosophy of language. There are seven-ish units to the...
Making a Club for Everyone
In good ol’ philosophy fashion, we may ask, what is a club and what should a club be like? The following is merely a...
Collective Final Projects or: Who’s Actually in This Class?, Ryan Johnson
Shockingly Simple RealizationsI used to dread grading. In-class discussion thrilled me, but the grading was terrible. Or at least until I realized something shockingly...
Omelas Escape Room: Energizing the Classroom , Kathryn Petrozzo
Introducing foundational ethical theories can be a dreaded task for instructors; thwarting off cultural relativism and fielding questions such as “Yeah, but does this...
Contexts and Contest: Propositional (i.e., Sentential) Logic as a Method of Asking Narrow &...
At the start of every term, I always tell students that my aim is to have them leave class with more questions than answers....
Identity and Memoir, Jarrad A. Felgenhauer
I taught this class, Identity and Memoir, in the spring of 2023 as a section of the Philosophy of the Human Person course at...
Introduction to Philosophy, Carolina Flores
I taught this course as a large lecture course with 300 students, most of whom were there to complete General Education requirements, at UC...
The Gnosis Factory: Haverford College’s Philosophy Club
From Haverford’s Philosophy Department website: “Roger Lin '25 and Ben Fitzgerald '26, the 2024-2025 Philosophy Student Representatives, pose as Plato and Aristotle in homage to Raphael's fresco "The School of Athens" (1509-1511). Photo by Patrick Montero”
What are We (Not) Doing When We Struggle to Ask Good Questions?
One of my favorite moments in class is when a student says something like, “I think I have a question, but I’m not sure...