Syllabus Showcase

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Syllabus Showcase: Ethics of Data Science

The summer before my arrival at Purdue, I was asked to teach a version of Intermediate Ethics of Data Science, having never done it...
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Syllabus Showcase: Philosophy of Science (Without Mentioning Logical Positivism, Popper, or Kuhn), Joel Katzav

Standard philosophy of science courses tells us that philosophy of science emerged in the US as a result of the arrival of the Logical...
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Syllabus Showcase: Introduction to Global Philosophy

Introductory courses can have a variety of legitimate goals, depending on the type of institution at which one teaches and the students one has,...
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Syllabus Showcase: Bioethics

I teach Bioethics at Marist College in Poughkeepsie. I have been teaching this course for about 6 years. Marist College has offered this course for...
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Syllabus Showcase: Racial Justice and Philosophy

My specialization is the philosophy of race, post-colonial philosophy, feminism, and womanism. I developed this course at the request of my students and for...

Syllabus Showcase: Philosophy of Sex and Love, Matthew Watts

I find myself preoccupied with the question of how to reach non-philosophy majors in a way that meets them where they are and confronts...

Syllabus Showcase: Engineering Ethics, Vanessa A. Bentley

Since I started my current position in Fall 2020, I’ve been teaching Engineering Ethics every fall. The Engineering Ethics course satisfies a general education...
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Syllabus Showcase: Ethics

The syllabus below is for the course Ethics at the University of Michigan. Although much of the material is pretty standard in courses in...

Syllabus Showcase: Philosophy Summer Camp, a Portland State Faculty and Student Co-Creation

One morning you wake up and head to the kitchen, only to find someone who looks exactly like you sitting at the breakfast table...
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Syllabus Showcase: Neuroethics, Joshua May

One of my Neuroethics students quit smoking, using the tools of cognitive behavioral therapy. Another student aimed to regain his focus by deleting all...