What Are You Reading? (March 7–13)
By the time this is published, the Central APA will have come and gone. More coverage of the conference is forthcoming, but the “What...
Philosophy and Current Events: The Epistemology of Drone Strikes
In his final State of the Union speech, one topic that President Obama did not discuss was his use of drone strikes in the...
What Are You Reading? (February 29–March 6)
With all the election hysteria going on at the moment—illustrated most recently by The New York Times's interesting account of the Republican establishment's attempts...
Funded Research Spotlight: From Biological Practice to Scientific Metaphysics
The Funded Research Spotlight column serves to inform the APA membership of funded projects in the discipline and provide information on who is funding what...
Early-Career Research Spotlight: Benjamin Yelle
The purpose of the early-career research spotlight is two-fold. First, the aim is to bring attention to an early-career APA member who is doing some interesting...
What Are You Reading? (February 15–21)
Given the recent flurry of news surrounding the firing of a tenured associate professor of philosophy at Mount St. Mary's University, and that the APA...
What Are You Reading? (February 8–14)
As a new associate editor of the Blog of the APA, I’m thrilled to be taking over the “What Are You Reading?” thread of blog...
What Are You Reading? (February 1–7)
It's Monday, which means it's time for another open thread to discuss what we're reading for our research, and perhaps to recommend things to...
What Are You Reading?
It's that time of week again. Lots of folks chimed in with what they were reading last week, and I hope folks got as much...
APA Provides Grants to Ten Projects for 2015–2016
Congratulations to the APA grant winners for 2015–2016! The list of eight small and two diversity and inclusiveness grants that have been awarded (as per the APA...