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Ethical Dilemmas in Public Philosophy

What is Decolonial Aesthesis? Art and Aesthetics at the Margins

‘The word “aesthetics” is reinvented by decolonial movements as a critique of the repressive mechanisms of colonial “beauty” associated with this term. It is...

Complex Trauma and Trans Philosophy

Academia offers many models for engagement, with the teacher-scholar model being one of the most prominent among philosophers. Prioritizing student development over academic research,...

Collective Memory at Canada’s Prison for Women

What does it mean to remember a past you did not experience personally, but which haunts the place where you live and the people...

The Problem Spaces of Public Philosophy

I often ask myself what I hope to accomplish when I engage in public philosophy. How is this mode of address distinct from the...
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Trans Needs Now

As states move to restrict or ban access to gender-affirming care, a moral panic about trans people envelops the public sphere, and youth and...
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In the Name of the Climate: On Throwing Stuff at Art

I recently paid a visit to a friend. After an obligatory catch-up, we found ourselves sitting comfortably on a sofa skipping through various international...
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Racial Justice in Cugoano and Africana Philosophy

Imagine you are born to a white middle class family in the United States sometime after the civil rights movement. You do not think...
This is an image of a large labyrinth with an interesting play of light and shadow.

(Re)introducing the Ethical Dilemmas in Public Philosophy Series

“Complexity” is something of a buzzword today—and probably for good reason. If we think about the organization of our societies, we are presented with an...

Rage Against the Machine

Reactive emotional responses to machines are a commonplace in our lives. I get angry at the Kroger checkout machines when they never register the item...
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Is Writing for Robots?

Ada opens her eyes at the designated time in the morning. She looks out her open window and notices that the sun is shining....