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Caring for Democracy

Agonistic Democracy and Its Remedies

In this winter of discontent we discover that democracy contains a dark side. We should lower our expectations without giving up hope.  The president suggests...

Recently Published Book Spotlight: Public Art and the Fragility of Democracy

Fred Evans has authored three single-authored books, each on a different topic: Psychology and Nihilism: A Genealogical Critique of the Computational Model of Mind;...
"Socrates teaching Pericles" by Nicolas Guibal (1780)

Philosophizing in the Streets

One of the big discussions of our time centers on the nature of what is often called “public philosophy.” What is it? How do...

Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Totalitarianism in Our Time

By Nathan Eckstrand Several dystopian classics became bestsellers—1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, and The Handmaid’s Tale—following Donald Trump’s election, presumably by people who wished...

Negativity and Democracy: Marxism and the Critical Theory Tradition

Vasilis Grollios, Negativity and Democracy: Marxism and the Critical Theory Tradition, Routledge, 2017. (Routledge Advances in Democratic Theory Series) Despite the crisis and the fact...

Ethics and Contemporary Politics: Trump Junior’s Emails and the Rule of Law

With the release last week of Donald Trump Junior’s emails, from which the public learned that he enthusiastically embraced the offer of a Kremlin...

Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Campus Illiberalism as Moral Fundamentalism

This series, Philosophy in the Contemporary World, is aimed at exploring the various ways philosophy can be used to discuss issues of relevance to...