Home On Congeniality

On Congeniality

The things that matter most are the things of good relationships

What Do We Do When We Talk about “Evil”?

Talk about “evil” is beside the point.

How to Be Foolish in Being Angry: Against Sarcasm

What does the fool do when they are irritated by their conditions enough that they feel like tearing into everything? They let the irritation reach their soul. They let another’s beliefs or practices trouble them. Like I said, they are foolish.

Smash the Machinery of Time: Asylum Philosophy

Charlotte is a legal guardian. She advocates for youth under the age of 18 seeking asylum in Belgium. I wanted to talk with her about this work.

Great Humanists Care about the People Facing Them

Must great humanists care about their students? A brilliant scholar thinks not, due in part to his reliance on Aristotelian practical reasoning. But look what happens when we emphasize relational reasoning in the first place.

Acknowledge the Truth of Your Confusion: It’s Helpful

Owning the confusion that you honestly have in facing things is a key to philosophy. But this difficult, personally uncomfortable thing is professionally discouraged. Mark Fiocco explains why it shouldn't be.

Vergangenheitsbewältigung Now: 1492 and the Roots of Planetary Injustice

In honor of Earth day, it's worth repeating how planetary injustice emerged from the Age of Exploration's narcissistic object of the globe. How to relate personally to the independent being of the world - and encounter others openly?

Can You See Something Better than Philosophy?

For a new mini-series on interpersonal relationships in philosophy, I explain why it's important not to identify with the discipline of philosophy.