Issues in Philosophy

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Survey: What Matters to Philosophers?

As chair of a philosophy department at a large state institution (University of Minnesota), I’ve frequently been called upon to defend philosophy and to...

The Ethics of Gauging PhD Applicants’ Interest Before Offering Admission or Financial Support

Here's one way philosophy PhD admissions could go: Your program offers admissions to the N top-rated applicants, figuring that X% will accept.  If the...
Graph of Philosophers on Twitter

Tweeting Philosophy: Interview with TrueSciPhi’s Kelly Truelove

Kelly Truelove is a technologist with a Ph.D. in physics and long-running interests in philosophy and online communities. On, he publishes lists and analytics...
Photo of Helen De Cruz

Philosophical Fiction: Interview with Helen de Cruz

Helen De Cruz is a senior lecturer (associate professor) in philosophy at Oxford Brookes University. She is co-author of A natural history of natural theology (MIT...
Picture of a Typewriter

Short Story Competition: Philosophy Through Fiction

We are inviting submissions for the short story competition “Philosophy Through Fiction”, organized by Helen De Cruz (Oxford Brookes University), with editorial board members...
Ask a Philosopher photo

Philosophers on the (Green) Market

A slight, gray-haired woman walked up to the table, smiled, and got straight to business. She took out a piece of paper on which...

What Institutions, Departments, and Individuals Can Do to Help Adjuncts

Part Three of a Three-part Series on Adjunct Teaching and Student Learning (Part 1 / Part 2) Here a few things we can do—some at very...

How Philosophy Neglects Its Most Vulnerable Students

Part Two of a Three-part Series on Adjunct Teaching and Student Learning (Part 1) There are two academias, and our discipline is focused on the wrong...
Photo of a penguin (Source: Pixabay)

Climate Change and Individual Responsibility

Few dispute that scientists have physically measured an average increase in global average surface temperature of “0.85°C…between 1880 and 2012”. The best hypothesis to explain...
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Ten Rules of Thumb for Op-Ed Writing

As a former philosophy professor turned journalist, I have firsthand experience of both academia and the news industry, and the unwritten rules that govern...