Issues in Philosophy

On The Life and Death Importance of Thinking

Elizabeth Minnich is a Senior Scholar at the Association of American Colleges & Universities' Office of Diversity, Equity, and Global Initiatives.  She has recently released...
Photo of Margaret Atherton

How Does One Do History of Philosophy? Margaret Atherton’s Dewey Lecture

At the APA's 2017 Central Division Meeting in Kansas City, Margaret Atherton (Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee) delivered The John Dewey Lecture titled...
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On Writing Seriously Good Philosophy

The APA Blog and Aeon magazine have launched a partnership for cross-publishing ideas.  I spoke with Aeon editor Sam Dresser about writing seriously good philosophy for broad audiences, the sort...
Photo of Simone de Beauvoir

Simone de Beauvoir’s political philosophy resonates today

Simone de Beauvoir is rightly best known for declaring: ‘One is not born, but rather becomes, woman.’ A less well-known facet of her philosophy,...
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A Tribal World (IAI video)

We see community and society as good. Yet communities are also fortresses of privilege and conformity, as migrants know only too well. Is the...
Question mark road sign

Philosophy Is Not Advice

In these dark times, perhaps philosophy can help us. Perhaps. But what kind of philosophy do we need? It must be one that permits...
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Love Story: Can love ever be eternal? (IAI video)

We want 'I love you' to mean forever. But neuroscientists claim that by three years into a relationship romantic activity in the brain has...
Photo of Barry Lam

Philosophical Podcasting

Barry Lam is the producer of the Hi-Phi Nation, the first story-driven philosophy podcast.  I spoke with Barry about his approach to philosophical story-telling, his...
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On Toxic Speech: Lynne Tirrell’s Night of Philosophy

Lynne Tirrell was part of the Night of Philosophy and Ideas held at the Brooklyn Public Library in January.  I spoke with Lynne about her lecture on toxic speech and public philosophy. Lynne,...
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Is the self an illusion? (IAI video)

From Hume to Dennett, philosophers often claim that the self is an illusion, and neuroscientists and psychologists are inclined to agree. But are they...