Issues in Philosophy

Borges and Philosophy

Does literature have a philosophy? Can it give expression to a consistent system of principles, and assert them as true? Literature, by its very...

Why Are So Many Young Men Drawn to Jordan Peterson’s Intellectual Misogyny?

It seems to be no accident that Jordan Peterson is having his moment as perhaps the most-discussed North American intellectual during the Trump era....

Michael Cholbi on his AMA experience on /r/philosophy

I recently had the pleasure of completing a live AMA (Ask Me Anything) session as part of reddit’s philosophy platform, /r/philosophy. As the name...
American Philosophy by John Kaag

You Can’t Force It: Doug Anderson on American Philosophy

Douglas Anderson, Professor and the Department Chair at the University of North Texas, was one of the critics for John Kaag’s American Philosophy: A Love...
American Philosophy by John Kaag

Philosophers Don’t Hug: Mike Ventimiglia on American Philosophy

Michael Ventimiglia, Associate Professor at Sacred Heart University, was one of the critics for John Kaag’s American Philosophy: A Love Story Author Meets Critics session at Eastern APA...
American Philosophy by John Kaag

A Love Story: John Kaag on American Philosophy

John Kaag is Professor and Chair of Philosophy at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.  He is the author of American Philosophy: A Love Story,...

The Case Against Education?

Princeton University Press recently published a book by the economist Bryan Caplan titled The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a...

The Problem with Scientism

Science is unquestionably the most powerful approach humanity has developed so far to the understanding of the natural world. There is little point in...
Dance Music

Philosophy and Pop Music

Micah Tillman is a Core Division instructor at Stanford Online High School, teaching philosophy of science courses to 9th and 10th graders. He is...

Statement from the Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University

The Johns Hopkins Philosophy Department is immensely grateful to Bill Miller for his truly spectacular $75 million gift. The fact that a very successful...