Issues in Philosophy

Philosophy’s Orphans

The divide--and, at times, the fight--between "Continental" and "Analytic" philosophical traditions has been going on for quite some time. Even the very fact that...

The Philosopher Queens: Why Two Ex-Philosophy Students are Crowdfunding for a Book on Women...

As many things do, it started with a Twitter rant. As ex-philosophy students, we know that, when it comes to the history of philosophy, women...

James and the Giant Podcast: Philosophy Outside Academia

"I read philosophy so you don’t have to."We know the particular kind of headache studying philosophy can be. The language can be so tangled,...
Greek philosophers from left to right: Sokrates; Roman copy of a lost Greek original of about 380-360 BC. Antisthenes, founder of the Cynic school of philosophy; Roman copy of a lost Greek original of the late 3rd or 2nd century BC; from near the Via Appia, Rome. Chrysippos; Roman copy of a lost Greek original or the late 3rd or 2nd century BC; Chrysippos developed the Stoic school of philosophy founded in Athens around 280 BC by Zeno. Epikouros, founder of the Epicurean school; Roman copy of a lost Greek original of the late 3rd or 2nd century BC; from near the Via Appia, Rome.

Philosophy is History (Part I)

The relation between philosophy and history of philosophy is controversial. Some believe that history is of mere instrumental value; reading the odd classic might...

This is Not a Pipe Podcast: Philosophy Outside Academia

Philosophy works like a drug. It’s mind-altering. It’s addictive. And there have always been certain groups vying to monopolize the market. If we stick...

The Making of the Happier Hour Podcast: Life Outside Academia

My love for philosophy began my freshman year at Pepperdine University in a program called in The Great Books Colloquium. I was a Theater...

Enjoying Vicious Artists

The #MeToo movement has exposed a number of men in Hollywood as sexual predators. Starting with Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, #MeToo’s momentum kept...

So You Want to Teach Some Islamic Philosophy?

If I had to place a bet as to the biggest changes we’ll see in the philosophy profession over the next several decades, I...

Mistakes and objectivity. Myths in the history of philosophy (Part II)

“It’s raining.” While reading or writing this sentence now, I think many things. I think that the sentence is a rather common example in...

The Partially Examined Life Podcast: Philosophy Outside Academia

Here's my routine for the last nine years: Every two or three weeks, I read some philosophy, take some notes, and talk for two...