Learning about Learning Transformed the Way I Teach
Being in academia, we are specially positioned to make a meaningful impact on the lives of our students. How often does anyone get the...
Hyperspecialization and All-You-Can-Eat Philosophy
In our youth, we often find ourselves being asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I think, for those of...
Get Organized
I love doing my PhD in philosophy. I love the autonomy I have over my work. I can write about anything from basically anywhere....
Musings On Service Work, Fit, and Graduate School Education
I transferred between philosophy Ph.D. programs after my first year in graduate school. A few weeks into the transfer, I called my long-distance partner...
Treading Water, or Self-Care and Success as a Graduate Student
'caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.'
Audre Lorde
As I near the end of...
I Don’t Read Enough
Steve: I don’t read enough. This thought plagues me. I don’t know how much reading would constitute enough, but I feel certain that I...
The Ancient Practice of Rest Days
They say Wall Street never sleeps, but that’s not entirely true. A more accurate idiom is,“Wall Street never rests.” Some people sleep. As a...
Finding Meaning in Moving: My Experiences as an Aussie Grad Student
Whether I would pursue graduate education was never a question for me, it was always more of a question of what subject I would...
Teaching with Sci-Fi Stories: Empathic Imagination and Meta-reflection
If you know you will divorce your partner and your daughter will die at a very young age in the future, would you still...
The Trials and Triumphs of a Single Parent in Grad School
Completing a doctoral program is sufficiently difficult on its own. Now add to that parental responsibilities for a newborn child. But if that’s not...