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Issues in Philosophy

Hyperspecialization and All-You-Can-Eat Philosophy

In our youth, we often find ourselves being asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I think, for those of...

Get Organized

I love doing my PhD in philosophy. I love the autonomy I have over my work. I can write about anything from basically anywhere....
AG standing outside of the University of Michigan's Philosophy Department

Musings On Service Work, Fit, and Graduate School Education

I transferred between philosophy Ph.D. programs after my first year in graduate school. A few weeks into the transfer, I called my long-distance partner...

A New Journal Survey: the PJIP Operations Survey

One of the most useful resources on philosophy journals is the Blog of the APA’s Journal Surveys Project. It shows the average wait time,...

Should We Continue to Read and Honor Immoral Historical Philosophers?

In 2020, the University of Edinburgh renamed what was then called Hume Tower, removing the name of the eighteenth-century Scottish Enlightenment philosopher David Hume...

Treading Water, or Self-Care and Success as a Graduate Student

'caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.' Audre Lorde As I near the end of...

I Don’t Read Enough

Steve: I don’t read enough. This thought plagues me. I don’t know how much reading would constitute enough, but I feel certain that I...

The Ancient Practice of Rest Days

They say Wall Street never sleeps, but that’s not entirely true. A more accurate idiom is,“Wall Street never rests.” Some people sleep. As a...

Finding Meaning in Moving: My Experiences as an Aussie Grad Student

Whether I would pursue graduate education was never a question for me, it was always more of a question of what subject I would...

Philosophers at the CIA? An Insider’s Account

Congratulations! You’ve finally completed the requirements for the PhD, including dissertation and oral defense, and graduation is only a few weeks away. Your folks will...