The Five Lives of Raya Dunayevskaya: Sources of Intersectional Marxism
The history of women thinkers is marked by enforced obsolescence, especially once male counterparts start working in the same terrain. Think of Hypatia or...
A Reflection on Eva Kittay on Human Dignity
Eva Feder Kittay’s Learning from My Daughter presents an argument worth considering as notions of “anti-human” and “post-human” have gained currency. The daughter to...
An Elegy for Bat-Ami Bar On
Bat-Ami Bar On was the Director of the Binghamton University’s Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Professor of Philosophy, Women, Gender, and...
In Celebration of Margaret (Peg) Simons
Professor Emerita Margaret A. (Peg) Simons of Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville is the recipient of the 2021 Eastern Society for Women in Philosophy...
A Posthumous Evaluation of Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois for Professor at——
February is Black History Month in the United States. The 23rd day of February 2022 is W.E.B. Du Bois’s 154th birthday. It is fitting...
The Caribbean Philosophical Association’s 2022 Award Winners
The Caribbean Philosophical Association is pleased to announce the 2022 recipients of the association’s awards for contributions to philosophical thought, literature, and mentorship:
Frantz Fanon...
Two Sixtieth’s for Fanon
Frantz Marguerite Victor Fanon, whose adopted middle name was “Omar” during his participation in the struggle for national liberation in Algeria, died on December...
Is Language a Battlefield?
It is old hat to emphasize that language is political. Nowadays we know that everything is political. Language is political, translation is political, and...
Barrett Holmes Pitner’s “The Crime Without a Name”
I recently had the good fortune of a live-streamed New York Public Library conversation with philosopher and journalist Barrett Holmes Pitner. The focus of...
I am watching the news with my brother-in-law on a drizzly October evening at his house in Yvelines, southwest of Paris. He stands against...