APA Awards Grants to Ten Projects for 2019–2020
The American Philosophical Association is pleased to announce that it will provide grants to ten philosophy-related projects in the 2019–2020 fiscal year. For more...
Nominations are open for APA leadership positions
The American Philosophical Association is now accepting nominations for APA leadership positions for terms beginning July 1, 2020.
Visit the online nominations system.
There will be...
Call for nominations: Inaugural Ernest Sosa Prize Lecture
The APA invites nominations for the inaugural Ernest Sosa Prize Lecture. The winner of the prize must be an outstanding contributor to epistemology, and...
APA Announces 2020 Lecturers
The American Philosophical Association is pleased to announce that Patricia Kitcher (Columbia University), Daniel Dennett (Tufts University), and David Chalmers (New York University) have...
Auburn’s Gorodeisky and Marcus Win the 2020 Danto/ASA Prize
The American Philosophical Association and the American Society for Aesthetics are pleased to announce that Professors Keren Gorodeisky and Eric Marcus (Auburn University) have...
Blake Hereth Awarded the APA’s 2019 Frank Chapman Sharp Prize
The American Philosophical Association is pleased to announce that Blake Hereth (University of Washington) has been awarded the 2019 Frank Chapman Sharp Memorial Prize...
UEA’s Robert Sugden Wins the 2019 Joseph B. Gittler Award
The American Philosophical Association is pleased to announce that Professor Robert Sugden (University of East Anglia) has been awarded the 2019 Joseph B. Gittler...
2019 Lebowitz Prize Awarded to Philosophers Bratman and Gilbert
The American Philosophical Association (APA) and the Phi Beta Kappa Society (PBK) are pleased to announce that Dr. Michael E. Bratman (ΦBK, Haverford), the...
Results of the Recent APA Elections
Over the last few months, members of the APA elected new divisional officers, a new at-large member of the APA board of officers, three...
Want More Philosophy of X on the APA Meeting Programs? Here’s the Secret
The three APA meetings encourage philosophers to engage one another in a truly generalist setting: the meeting programs offer papers, symposia, and commentary in...