APA Member Interview: Jared Jones
Jared Jones is a doctoral student at Columbia University. His research interests include 19th-and 20th-Century German philosophy and Spinoza, his primary focus being on Hegel. He...
APA Member Interview: Miguel Ángel G. Calderón
Miguel Ángel G. Calderón (known on the internet as @miguelangelgc) is the CEO of Filosofía en la Red, one of the most important platforms for philosophical...
APA Member Interview: Victor Carrington
Victor Carrington has practiced as a philosophical and pastoral counsellor for ten years with expertise in life-stage transitions, life crises, and relationships. He has...
APA Member Interview: Zeinab Rabii
Zeinab Rabii is a Ph.D. candidate in philosophy at the University of Missouri–Columbia. As a solo instructor, she has taught different courses on ethics...
APA Member Interview: Holly Wilson
Holly Wilson, Ph.D., is a Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Louisiana State University at Alexandria. She calls herself a Kantian and a Carmelite...
APA Member Interview: Casey Scott
Casey Scott is a graduate student at the University of Iowa. He is interested in Kant, Social/Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Technology, and Philosophy of...
APA Member Interview: Stephanie Lehuger
Stephanie Lehuger is a philosopher who defies conventions by bridging philosophy with diverse fields. With degrees in philosophy, computer science, public policy, and business,...
APA Member Interview: Eli Benjamin
Eli Benjamin is a PhD student at Temple University. He is interested in practical reasoning, agency, personal autonomy, sexual consent, and Kant's practical philosophy....
APA Member Interview: Eugene Y.S. Chua
Eugene Y.S. Chua is a philosopher of science and physics. As a recent graduate of UC San Diego, he is currently a postdoc at...
APA Member Interview: Juan Carlos Mora
Juan Carlos Mora is a graduate student in the Philosophy Department at George Washington University, pursuing an M.A. in Philosophy and Social Policy. He...