Margaret Baxley: What is it like to be a philosopher?
This is an excerpt from an interview with Margaret Baxley. In this interview, Anne Margaret Baxley talks about growing up Methodist in Macon, Georgia,...
Student Snapshot: Emerson Bodde
Emerson Bodde is a PhD student in the philosophy program at Vanderbilt University. His research interests mainly revolve around the history of political philosophy...
Student Snapshot: Cappagnia-Lynne Chase
Cappagnia-Lynne Chase is an Oneonta native. She is majoring in Theatre and minoring in both dance and philosophy at SUNY Oneonta. She is also...
APA Member Interview: Eva Feder Kittay
Eva Feder Kittay is Distinguished Professor Emerita of Philosophy at Stony Brook University/SUNY. Her pioneering work interjects questions of feminism, care and disability (especially...
APA Member Interview: Rebecca Bamford
Rebecca Bamford is Associate Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy & Political Science at Quinnipiac University, and Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at...
APA Member Interview: Kurt Blankschaen
Kurt Blankschaen, Assistant Professor of philosophy, primarily teaches courses in medical ethics and is the director of the Medical Humanities Program at Daemen College....
APA Member Interview: Avi Appel
Avi Appel was born in Princeton, NJ, completed a BA in Philosophy at UW – Madison in 2009, an MS in Accounting at Boston...
APA Member Interview: Kaitlyn Creasy
Kaitlyn Creasy is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at California State University, San Bernardino. She works primarily on 19th century European philosophy, especially the work...
APA Member Interview: Annette Zimmermann
Annette Zimmermann is a political philosopher. Annette is currently a postdoc at Princeton University, working on the ethics of algorithmic decision-making, machine learning, and...
APA Member Interview: Carolina Flores
Carolina Flores is a PhD candidate at Rutgers, advised by Liz Camp and Susanna Schellenberg. She works primarily at the intersection of philosophy of...