
The Blog of the American Philosophical Association (APA) provides a venue for APA members to share their perspectives and experiences on a variety of issues, and we are invested in making sure the blog’s content addresses your interests. To that end, the editorial team seeks proposals, submissions, and suggestions for posts for the blog. This includes topics that you’d like to read about, as well as specific pitches for posts that you might like to write or see written. The editorial team will be accepting pitches, submissions, and suggestions on a rolling basis. Our policy is to publish work authored by APA members; however, we may consider submissions from non-members in unusual circumstances or on special topics.  If you have an idea, please let us know via the submission form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

The types of submissions we are currently seeking include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Diversity and Inclusion: (Editor, Richard B. Gibson) Philosophy remains one of the least diverse academic disciplines. This topics seeks to highlight marginalized voices and includes posts on the challenges facing philosophers from traditionally underrepresented groups, as well as posts exploring strategies for making the discipline more inclusive on the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels. The APA Blog aims to continue ongoing discussions and begin new ones.
  • Public Philosophy: (Editor, Matthew Clemons) This topic explores philosophy in the public interest, that is, it informs civic debate and civic life. It uses philosophical techniques, methods, and concepts and addresses issues of civic import in ways that are accessible to the general public.
  • Research: (Editor, Richard B. Gibson) Are you working on a project that you would like to let the philosophical community know about? If you have a CFP for conferences, special journal issues, edited collections, or a recently published collection or manuscript, or if you know of anyone who is doing some really interesting work, please let us know.
  • Teaching: (Editor, Smrutipriya PattnaikHave you had success with a novel approach in the classroom? Share your results. Or do you have an upcoming class that you aren’t entirely confident on how to approach? Let us know so that we can crowdsource strategies. Approaches or concerns about pedagogy, assessment tools, or course design are all welcome
  • Work/Life Balance: (Editor, Smrutipriya PattnaikLife and work can be stressful. How do you cope? Do you have interests and hobbies? Are you a ‘multipotentialite’ with diverse passions? Share your strategies and diversions with us! On the blog, we’ll be including profiles of APA members that spotlight what captures their interest not only inside the office but also outside it.
  • Other (previously Issues in Philosophy and Service): If you’d like to write about topics that philosophers or those interested in philosophy deal with, but which don’t fall into any of the above categories, please reach out. We’ll happily consider your pitch.

We also have a number of ongoing special series including:

  • Black Issues in Philosophy: (Series Editors, Lewis Gordon and Thomas Meagher) of the Diversity and Inclusion beat offers announcements, discussions, critical reviews, opinionated statements (op-eds), and philosophical suggestions, ideas, or explorations relevant to the status of philosophers of African descent and readers interested in such issues.
  • Recently Published Book Spotlight: (Series Editor, Maryellen Stohlman-Vanderveen) of the Research beat informs readers about new monographs by interviewing the authors.
  • Bioethics Series (Series Editor, Richard B. Gibson) of the Research beat explored the intersection between philosophy and biology, in all its forms – from medicine to ecology, human enhancement to mass extinction.
  • Teaching and Learning Video Series (Series Editor, William Parkhurst) of the Teaching beat features tools for teaching philosophy through videos – especially funny ones.
  • Syllabus Showcase Series (Series Editors, Cara Greene and Smrutipriya Paitnaik) of the Teaching beat provides a chance for members to share their favorite classes, and a repository of readings, assignments and teaching techniques for others to model.
  • Women in Philosophy: (Series Editors, Alida Liberman and Elisabeth Paquette)of the Diversity and Inclusion beat informs people throughout the field of philosophy about new ideas relevant to the study of gender, publicizes events of interest to people involved in such studies, and serves as a place of dialogue for people seeking a better understanding of gender.
  • Navigating (Living) Philosophy: (Series Editor, Maryellen Stohlman-Vanderveen) invites seasoned philosophers to share critical reflections on emergent and institutionalized shapes of and encounters within philosophy with the goal of helping young academics and students navigate philosophy today.
  • Reports from Abroad: (Series Editor, Maryellen Stohlman-Vanderveen) features reflections from APA members researching or studying ‘non-eurocentric’ philosophy ‘abroad. It explores how local institutions and global contexts shape the possibilities of research, speech, and our visions of philosophy; and seeks to complicate immediate conceptions of ‘abroad’ given our globalized world.
  • Undergraduate Philosophy Club Series (Series Editor, Sabina Garcia) of the Teaching beat features undergraduate philosophy clubs across the nation.  This series is designed to encourage undergraduate opportunities in philosophy.
  • Graduate Student Reflection Series (Series Editor, Maya Lomeli) of the Teaching beat provides the opportunities for graduate students to discuss their experiences while pursuing graduate studies in the field of philosophy.
  • Professor Reflection Series (Series Editor, Samuel Taylor) of the Teaching beat urges professors to reflect on philosophy courses that they have taught.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Philosophy Series (Series Editor, Benjamin Randolph, Piyali Mitra, Ionut Untea) of the Public Philosophy beat introduces tough ethical dilemmas that philosophers may wrestle with.
  • Law and Philosophy Series (Series Editors, Eric Wilkinson, Helena Moradi) of the Public Philosophy beat examines philosophical questions related to the legal sphere.
  • Philosophy of Film Series (Series Editor, Sara Bizaro, Owen Griffiths) of the Public Philosophy beat provides philosophical analysis of films that may appeal to the philosophical community.
  • Philosophy and Technology: (Series Editor, Charlie Taben) explores philosophical issues related to technology and its development, including the ethical, ontological, and epistemological implications.
  • Current Events in Public Philosophy Series (Series Editor, Richard B. Gibson and Jelena Markovic) of the Public Philosophy beat explores how the great contemporary events of our time often draw us between our right to self-determine, and our responsibilities to those around us, and how the social, political and ethical conflicts between the two poles can have important philosophical ramifications which often expand beyond our initial intuitions.
  • Everyday Lifestyle Series (Series Editors, Laura Engels, Cara Cummings-Coughlin) of the Public Philosophy beat shares philosophical blog articles on topics such as food, vacation, and hobbies.
  • Meet the APA Series (Series Editor, Erin Shepherd) introduces the public to individuals at APA headquarters.
  • Inside the APA Series (Series Editor, Erin Shepherd) offers insight into what happens behind the scenes in the American Philosophical Association.
  • Question-Focused Pedagogy (Series Editor, Stephen Bloch-Schulman) looks at how to ask questions in the most effective ways.
  • Perspectives on Democracy (Series Editor, Martina Valković) aims to shine a light on democracy from different historical, theoretical, and practical perspectives, with an eye firmly on democracy’s future. By doing so, it hopes to contribute to democratic thinking and practice at this crucial moment.
  • Tech and Society (Series Editor, Alexandra Frye) explores compelling and challenging developments in AI from a multidisciplinary perspective. It includes interviews with industry experts on technology and emerging innovations that may threaten human and social values and engages philosophers to provide conceptual clarity and rigorous analysis, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of these issues and the necessary considerations surrounding them.

Past Series Open to Submissions

While the following series have ended, we still welcome submissions on these topics.
  • Philosophy in the Contemporary World is aimed at exploring the various ways philosophy can be used to discuss issues of relevance to our society. There are no methodological, topical, or doctrinal limitations to this series; philosophers of all persuasions are invited to submit posts regarding issues of concern to them.
  • Early Career Research Spotlight of the Research beat introduces Blog readers to the research of new scholars in the field of philosophy through interviews on their work.
  • Graduate Student Chronicles of the Issues in Philosophy Beat invites graduate students to reflect on aspects of their graduate experience and the challenges they have faced. It seeks to highlight diverse perspectives on the graduate student experience.

We look forward to reading about your ideas for the blog!  Please submit them via the submission form.