Save Time and Effort with the Best Mop for Vinyl Plank Floors!Vinyl plank floors were introduced as a cheaper and more durable alternative to natural hardwood floors. And it’s not wrong: they are indeed more affordable and can withstand more punishment than traditional hardwood floor planks. However, vinyl plank floors still require you to maintain them carefully using the right cleaning tools.
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Best Mop for Vinyl Floors: TOP Options for Long-Lasting Flooring
Best Mop for Vinyl Floors: Buying Guide and TOP Suggestions
This buying guide and review article will tell you all that you need to know about the best mop for vinyl floors, from how to pick a good one to some of the best models on the market.
How to Buy a Good Vinyl Floor Mop
The top protective coating of vinyl plank floors are tough, so you can use just about any type of floor mop on it. But it’s recommended that you only damp mop instead of wet mop the floor. Water can seep into the floorboards through the seams and cause damages to the planks by either causing them to peel or warp.
So, look for mops with highly absorbent cleaning heads that can soak up a lot of liquid. Additionally, even though the floor is tough, it’s best that you limit abrasion as much as possible. In that scenario, microfiber mops tend to work best.
The Best Mop for Vinyl Floors Review
Rubbermaid Reveal Spray Mop Kit
The selling point of the Rubbermaid Reveal kit is the soft, absorbent microfiber mopping pad. We have tested the pad on our own vinyl floors and found that they’re highly effective at wiping away dust, debris, and stains without scratching the floor. This makes the mop a good candidate for deep-cleaning.
The mopping pads are washable and reusable.
It is a spray mop, so it comes with an in-built, 22-ounce water bottle. You can fill it with plain water or your choice of floor detergent. A spraying nozzle is located near the bottom of the mop. To operate the sprayer, simply squeeze the trigger at the top of the handle and the sprayer will distribute the liquid onto the floor. We really like the way the sprayer merely mists the floor without actually saturating it.
The mop itself is lightweight and maneuverable.
O-Cedar ProMist MAX Microfiber Spray Mop
If you need a more affordable spray mop, the O-cedar ProMist MAX is our recommendation for you. Basically, it has the same features and can perform just as well as the Rubbermaid Reveal. Only, it’s a fraction of the cost.
The special part about the O-Cedar ProMist MAX is that it has a double-sided microfiber mopping pad. When you clean and get one side of the pad dirty, you can simply flip the pad onto the other side and continue cleaning without having to insert a new one. The pad is washable and reusable.
It has a water bottle that can be continuously refilled. Squeeze the trigger on the handle to spray the content onto the floor. Similar to the Rubbermaid Reveal, the sprayer works really well and doesn’t soak the floor with water. Rather, it just leaves a thin layer of moisture that can be quickly swept up by the mopping pad.
The design of the mop is great. It has a 180° swivel head for better maneuverability.
With this guide from The King Live, hopefully, you’ve found your very own best mop for vinyl floors! These two spray mops are both excellent choices. Whichever you end up choosing, we’re certain that they will keep your floor in good shape for years to come.