APAMeet the APA: Mark van Roojen

Meet the APA: Mark van Roojen

Mark van Roojen is a professor of philosophy at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He publishes mainly in ethics and metaethics but has reasonably broad interests and reading habits. He is currently chair of the APA Committee on Lectures, Research, and Publications.

How did you come to be a part of the staff/leadership?

I think probably by going to philosophy conferences and getting to know lots of philosophers, which in the long run led to my getting asked to serve on the board and then chair on this committee. I do mostly like other philosophers, so that makes it attractive to be involved.

What are you most proud of in your professional life?

Depending on the day, either a few of my papers or how some of my students have done over the years.

What excites you about philosophy?

The variety of stuff I can look into and think about and still be doing my job. Also, conversations with people.

What do you like to do outside work?

Woodworking, instrument making, metalwork, cabin building, old house restoration, hiking/walking, flyfishing, gardening, cooking, seeing live music, traveling. I have too many hobbies in some ways.

Where is your favorite place you have ever traveled and why?

Yellowstone Park for the sheer variety of wildlife, rivers, streams, geysers, and natural features, along with idiosyncratic cabin architecture, and wolves.

Do you see any connections between your professional work and personal life?

They both involve a lack of specialization in that I do a variety of things and have multiple interests.

What technology do you wish the human race could discover right now?

Cheap and especially reliable carbon capture technology. I worry there may be no such thing and that we will need it.


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