APAAnnouncing Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall as Incoming Editor-in-Chief

Announcing Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall as Incoming Editor-in-Chief

As outgoing Editor-in-Chief of the Blog of the APA, I am pleased to announce Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall as the incoming Editor-in-Chief. 

Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall became the editor of the Teaching beat and Work/Life Balance beat in October 2018. As editor, she reviewed submissions, worked with authors on developing articles, determined deadlines for authors, and edited submissions using the WordPress software. Upon joining the Blog of the APA, she started to run the APA Member Interviews weekly. She soon launched several series for the Teaching beat. Dr. MisirHiralall established the Teaching and Learning Video series, the Syllabus Showcase series, the Undergraduate Philosophy Club series, the Graduate Student Reflection series, and the Professor Reflection series.

In addition to managing the Teaching beat and the Work/Life Balance beat, Dr. MisirHiralall became the editor of the Public Philosophy beat in June 2022. She has developed several series for the Public Philosophy beat since becoming editor. In less than a year, she established the Ethical Dilemmas in Philosophy series, the Philosophy of Film series, the Current Events in Public Philosophy series, and the Everyday Lifestyle series. She is currently reviving the Law and Philosophy series.

As Editor-in-Chief, Dr. MisirHiralall aims to maintain the exceptional standards of the Blog of the APA. She will continue to honor diversity within the philosophical community. She plans to encourage partnerships with other publications that will grow the Blog of the APA. Finally, she will welcome those who wish to participate in enriching the philosophical community that the Blog of the APA provides.

Dr. MisirHiralall’s background prepares her to work confidently with editors along with authors to fulfill the responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief position. Dr. MisirHiralall will move the Blog of the APA forward and guarantee its continued success.

I have been invited to remain part of the APA’s Editorial Board and will continue to work to expand the Blog of the APA’s coverage and reach. I am currently exploring how to expand the Blog of the APA onto Substack and have ideas for both short-term series and individual posts.

I have no doubt the Blog of the APA will continue to thrive under Dr. MisirHiralall’s leadership. Please join me in wishing her the best of luck!

Nathan Eckstrand headshot
Nathan Eckstrand

Nathan Eckstrand is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Sam Houston State University. He was previously a Visiting Assistant Professor at Fort Hays State University and Marian University, and before that a Merton Teaching Fellow at Mercyhurst University in Erie, PA.  Nathan previously served as editor-in-chief of the APA Blog, where he has worked since 2017. His dissertation, written under Fred Evans and defended in September 2014, is called “The Event of Revolution: Theorizing the Relationship between the State and Radical Change” and studies concepts of revolution from the Early Modern period to the present day.  Nathan is also co-editor of Philosophy and the Return of Violence: Essays from this Widening Gyre, and has published articles on Deleuze, Foucault, Fanon, and Said. His most recent book, Liberating Revolution: Emancipating Radical Change from the State, is now available from SUNY Press.


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