APAMeet the APA: Erin Shepherd

Meet the APA: Erin Shepherd

This APA Blog series is designed to help APA members to get to know APA staff and key leaders a little better. Two staff profiles were published in 2016, and we’ve decided to revive the series with the aim of helping to put a human face to the work of the APA. These profiles will spotlight what captures staff members’ and leaders’ interest not only in what they do within the APA, but also outside of it.

As editor of this series and a longtime APA staff member, I thought it would make sense to start off with my own profile.

What do you do at the APA?

When I came to the APA in 2005, my primary responsibilities were to manage the association’s major publications: the Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association (which at the time consisted of five volumes per year, including the three divisional meeting programs) and the APA Newsletters (now APA Studies), as well as subscriptions, advertising, and permissions/copyright requests. Over time, my role has expanded to include communications, which means I am also responsible for creating and distributing news and announcements via APA Weekly (our weekly email newsletter), press releases, the APA website, the APA Blog, and social media. 

What is your favorite part of your job?

I’ve always loved to travel, so having the opportunity to visit so many different places while working at the APA meetings is a definite perk. The APA staff often work long hours at the meetings, but I really enjoy dining out at the end of the day and having a few hours to explore the city during my free time. As far as meeting locations go, Vancouver and San Diego top my list!

What do you like to do outside of work?

Reading has been a lifelong passion of mine. Since becoming a parent, it’s been harder to find time to read, but I’ve been trying to be more intentional about it recently. I set a goal to read two books per month in 2023 and I’m on track so far, so we’ll see what happens! I’m also a runner, and I have one marathon, seven half-marathons, and many shorter races under my belt. Checking out new and different breweries with my fiancé is something else I really enjoy.

What are you most proud of in your non-professional life?

I’m incredibly proud of my two sons! They are both talented, hard working, kind young men and I adore them with all my heart.

What’s your favorite quote?

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”—J.K. Rowling

Where would you go in a time machine?

I would go to Ireland and/or Germany in the mid-1800s to get a glimpse into my ancestors’ lives in those countries before they came to the US.

What technology do you wish the human race could discover right now? 

The ability to slow down time.


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