APAAPA Announces New Committee Appointments

APA Announces New Committee Appointments

The APA board of officers is pleased to announce the committee appointments for terms starting July 1, 2022. Committee members serve three-year terms ending June 30, 2025, unless otherwise noted. Associate chairs serve a one-year term, followed by a three-year term as chair of the committee. Congratulations to the appointees and thanks to all who were willing to serve!

Academic Career Opportunities and Placement

Lauren Ashwell (Bates College) — Associate Chair
Megan Altman (Cornell College)
Michael Nelson (UC Riverside)
Kelly Trogdon (Virginia Tech)

Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies

Kisor Chakrabarti (Sri Mata Vaishno Devi University) — special vacancy beginning immediately
Jing Hu (Concordia University – Montreal)
Jonathan Kwan (Santa Clara University)

Defense of the Professional Rights of Philosophers

Melissa Zinkin (Binghamton University) — Associate Chair
(Lendell) Chad Horne (Northwestern University)
Dale Miller (Old Dominion University)


Robert Sanchez (Occidental College) — Associate Chair
Rocio Alvarez (Texas A&M University) — special vacancy beginning immediately
Miguel Gauldron Ramirez (University of North Texas)
Manuela Gomez (El Paso Community College)
Denise Meda Calderon (Texas A&M University)

Inclusiveness in the Profession

Sahar Heydari Fard (UNC Chapel Hill)
Taylor Rogers (Northwestern University) — special vacancy beginning immediately

International Cooperation

Lydia Amir (Tufts University)
Hsiang-Yun Chen (Academia Sinica)

Lectures, Publications, and Research

Mark van Roojen (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) — Associate Chair
Annalisa Coliva (University of California, Irvine)
Heimir Geirsson (Iowa State University)
Patricia Glazebrook (Washington State University)
Eric Wilson (Georgia State University)
Cory Wright (CSU Long Beach)

LGBTQ People in the Profession

Quill Kukla (Georgetown University)
Nico Orlandi (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Heather Stewart (Oklahoma State University)

Native American and Indigenous Philosophers

Joseph Len Miller (Elon University) — Associate Chair
Brian Burkhart (University of Oklahoma)
Sterling Knox (Marquette University) — special vacancy beginning immediately
Shelbi Meissner (Georgetown University) — special vacancy beginning immediately

Non-Academic Careers

Carlin Romano (University of Pennsylvania)
William Smith (University of Pennsylvania)

Philosophy in Two-Year Colleges

Timothy Davis (Community College of Baltimore County)
Sahar Joakim (St. Louis Community College, Meramec)
Kristen Zbikowski (Hibbing Community College)

Pre-College Instruction in Philosophy

Nic Jones (University of Washington)
Erik Kenyon (Friends Academy)

Public Philosophy

Thom Brooks (Durham University) — Associate Chair
Leslie Aarons (City University of New York) — special vacancy beginning July 1, 2022
Michael Deem (University of Pittsburgh)
Tyler Doggett (UVM)
Geoffrey Sayre-McCord (UNC Chapel Hill)

Status and Future of the Profession

Helga Varden (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Christopher Zurn (UMass Boston)

Status of Black Philosophers

Gertrude Gonzalez De Allen (Spellman College)
Dominique Greene-Sanders (University of South Florida)
Ryan Hayes (University of California San Diego) — special vacancy beginning immediately
William Paris (University of Toronto) — special vacancy beginning immediately

Status of Disabled People in the Profession

Maeve O’Donovan (Notre Dame of Maryland University) — Associate Chair
Sean Aas (Georgetown University)
Christine Wieseler (California State University Pomona)

Status of Women

Samantha Brennan (University of Guelph)
Amy Kind (Claremont McKenna College)
Teresa Robertson (UC Santa Barbara)

Teaching of Philosophy

Brett Fulkerson-Smith (Harper College)
Charlotte Thomas (Mercer University)


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