APAAPA Graduate Student Council: Nominations deadline approaching

APA Graduate Student Council: Nominations deadline approaching

APA Graduate Student Council

The APA is currently accepting nominations for two elected seats on the Graduate Student Council (GSC). All regular and associate members who are current graduate students in a philosophy program are eligible to run for a seat on the GSC. Candidates interested in running must submit a brief CV, a letter from their institution certifying their graduate student status, and a candidate statement. Current GSC members will select the final group of candidates to stand for election from the pool of nominees.

If you or someone you know would make a great member of the GSC, submit a nomination today! Any APA member may nominate any graduate student actively enrolled in a MA or PhD program in philosophy (or a cognate field). Self-nomination is welcome and encouraged.

The deadline to submit nominations is Sunday, February 14. The deadline for nominees to accept a nomination is Tuesday, February 16.

We look forward to receiving your nominations!


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