APAHelp us expand our coverage

Help us expand our coverage

The Blog of the APA seeks to report on the world of philosophy and provide a platform for APA members. Because the field of philosophy is diverse, there is much we miss. In an effort to broaden the scope of our coverage, we plan to seek reader input on a regular basis. Using our comments section and social media, the Blog will solicit feedback from readers and provide opportunities for readers to discuss their thoughts or ask questions.

To begin, we would like to get your feedback on several initiatives. First, we’ve recently begun linking to virtual reading rooms with free short-term access to newly published books. Second, we have enlisted Dr. Matt Deaton as series editor for the Syllabus Showcase. Finally, we’ve started the Undergraduate Philosophy Club Series. We’re curious what readers think of these initiatives and whether they have ideas for their development.

Please click here to vote in a poll about the initiatives. You can leave suggestions for books to feature, syllabi to showcase, or philosophy clubs to interview in the comments section here or in the poll. You can also tag us on Facebook or Twitter. If you prefer to remain anonymous, contact us at blog@apaonline.org.

We will use your ideas to guide our coverage.


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