APACall for nominations: 2022 Danto/ASA Prize

Call for nominations: 2022 Danto/ASA Prize

The APA and the ASA invite nominations for the 2022 Arthur Danto/American Society for Aesthetics Prize. The Danto/ASA Prize will be awarded to a member of the APA and the ASA for the best paper in the field of aesthetics, broadly understood, in a refereed journal, or an original book chapter or original essay published in a collection with a multiplicity of contributors. This prize is in honor of the late Arthur Danto, a past president of the APA Eastern Division.

The winner receives a $1,000 prize. In addition, a symposium in honor of the recipient of the prize is held at the APA Eastern Division meeting, normally the next such meeting following the selection of the prizewinner.

The nomination deadline is March 10, 2021.

Both nominees and nominators must be members of both the APA and the ASA at the time of the nomination. For the 2022 award, nominated papers must have been published in 2019 or 2020. Self-nominations are not permitted. To submit a nomination, fill out the Danto/ASA Prize nomination form.

We look forward to receiving your nominations.


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