APACall for applications to be an APA nominee for the Whiting Public...

Call for applications to be an APA nominee for the Whiting Public Engagement Programs

The Whiting Foundation has invited the APA to nominate up to four early career, full- or part-time faculty for the 2022–2023 Whiting Public Engagement Programs. The APA is now accepting applications to be an APA nominee for the Whiting Programs. The application deadline is February 25, 2021.

The Whiting Foundation provides targeted support for writers, scholars, and the stewards of humanity’s shared cultural heritage. The Whiting Public Engagement Programs aim to celebrate and empower early career humanities faculty who undertake ambitious projects to infuse the depth, historical richness, and nuance of the humanities into public life. The two programs are:

  • Fellowship of $50,000 for projects far enough into development or execution to present specific, compelling evidence that they will successfully engage the intended public.
  • Seed Grant of up to $10,000 for projects at a somewhat earlier stage of development, where more modest resources are needed to test or pilot a project or to collaborate with partners to finalize the planning for a larger project and begin work.

APA members doing publicly engaged philosophy may apply to be APA nominees for the Whiting Public Engagement Programs. The APA committee on public philosophy will select up to four applicants to go forward as the APA’s nominees. The APA nominees will still need to complete the Whiting Public Engagement Programs application separately and get their institution’s support.

For more information and for application procedures, visit the Whiting Public Engagement Programs page.

We look forward to receiving your applications by February 25, 2021.


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