Over the last few months, members of the APA elected new divisional officers and a new at-large member of the APA board of officers, and considered an amendment to the association bylaws. Members of the Pacific Division also voted on an amendment to the Pacific Division bylaws. We are pleased to announce the results of those votes.
All newly elected members will begin their terms on July 1 and (with the exception of nominating committee members, whose terms vary by division) will serve three-year terms ending June 30, 2023. Divisional vice presidents serve a one-year term as vice president, followed by a one-year term as president, and finally a one-year term as past president.
Congratulations to the winners, and many thanks to all the candidates who stood for election.
Board of Officers
Carol C. Gould (City University of New York)
Central Division
Vice President
Jennifer Lackey (Northwestern University)
Executive Committee Member-at-Large
Eric Wiland (University of Missouri–St. Louis)
Nominating Committee Members
Brian Kim (Oklahoma State University)
Sara Bernstein (University of Notre Dame)
C. Thi Nguyen (Utah Valley University/University of Utah)
Julia Staffel (University of Colorado Boulder)
Eastern Division
Vice President
Miranda Fricker (The Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Executive Committee Members-at-Large
Selim Berker (Harvard University)
Adam Omar Hosein (Northeastern University)
Nominating Committee Members
Lori Gruen (Wesleyan University)
Rachana Kamtekar (Cornell University)
Pacific Division
Vice President
Seana Shiffrin (UCLA School of Law)
Representative to the Board
Michael Burroughs (Kegley Institute of Ethics)
Executive Committee Member-at-Large
Anand Vaidya (San Jose State University)
Divisional Bylaws Amendment
At its meeting in April 2020, the Pacific Division executive committee proposed an amendment to the divisional bylaws to clarify divisional election procedures. The proposed amendment was approved by a two-thirds majority of those voting and has been adopted.
Bylaws Amendment
At its meeting in November 2019, the APA board proposed an amendment to the association bylaws to add the Graduate Student Council chair to the APA board. The proposed amendment was approved by a majority of those voting in each of the divisions and has been adopted.
Ombudsperson Concerning Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Additionally, the APA board recently approved the appointment of a new APA ombudsperson. The APA’s current ombudsperson concerning discrimination and sexual harassment, Laurie Shrage (Florida International University), will continue in the position until December 31. Beginning January 1, 2021, Adam Hosein (Northeastern University) will take over as ombudsperson, with a term ending June 30, 2023.