Work/Life BalanceAPA Member Interview: Kristina Dukoski

APA Member Interview: Kristina Dukoski

Kristina Dukoski is a 22-year-old soon-to-be graduate of the University of Toronto where she is currently enrolled in a specialist philosophy program. She is a first-generation Canadian, as both of her parents were born and raised in beautiful Macedonia. She is honored to have a student membership with the APA and have the opportunity to further immerse herself in the field that has stolen her heart from her first reading of a Platonic dialogue: philosophy.  Kristina was one of the winners of the APA Undergraduate Philosophy Competition.  

What is your favorite thing that you’ve written?

In my third year of undergrad, I wrote a paper on Heidegger’s Being and Time; unsurprisingly, it was meant to clarify some cloudy phrases in the text in order for readers to have a better understanding of Heidegger’s account of the struggle human beings face trying to maintain authenticity while being immersed in a society that reeks of averageness. The reason why it is my favorite piece of writing I’ve done is because it was just so rewarding to finally understand something Heidegger said, since he is so notorious for being incomprehensible!

What are you working on right now?

I am writing a research paper on sexual desire. Part of the paper focuses on reconceptualizing sexual desire by distinguishing it from mere sexual arousal, pinpointing its formal object, and giving its correctness conditions. Arguably, the more interesting part of the paper focuses on how we can use the conceptualization of sexual desire to help us determine which cases of sexual desire are perverse. It is a big project because I am essentially giving two accounts: what sexual desire is and what sexual perversion is.

What is your favorite sound in the world?

Although I love many sounds, without a doubt my favorite one of all is the sound of fire crackling. Every time I hear it, it reminds me of warm, stress-free summer nights.

What three things are on your bucket list that you’ve not yet accomplished?

First, I would love to go to Versailles; I hear that it is absolutely beautiful. The second consists of two experiences because they both fall under the general category of ‘things that would give me an intense adrenaline rush’, which I am all for: I would really like to try skydiving and taking a ride in an F-16 Fighting Falcon. Lastly, I would absolutely LOVE to meet the members of my favorite band, Muse.

What do you like to do outside work?

I am a lover of anything active! I currently lift weights 5-6 days a week, and I was in a Macedonian folklore dance ensemble for nearly 15 years of my life. In terms of fun physical activities, I do not restrict myself; if an opportunity arises, I would surely take it. Aside from the active stuff, I love to play guitar — bass and acoustic mostly — and sing.

Who is your favorite philosopher and why?

This is really hard…I’d say Albert Camus because the man was such a badass.

What’s your poison? 

I love me a nice glass of whiskey — neat; either that, or a glass of Malbec.

What’s your favorite quote?

“How happy is the blameless vestal’s lot!

The world forgetting, by the world forgot.

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!

Each pray’r accepted, and each wish resign’d.”

-Alexander Pope

This section of the APA Blog is designed to get to know our fellow philosophers a little better. We’re including profiles of APA members that spotlight what captures their interest not only inside the office, but also outside of it. We’d love for you to be a part of it, so please contact us via the interview nomination form here to nominate yourself or a friend.

Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall is an editor at the Blog of the APA who currently teaches philosophy, religion, and education courses solely online for Montclair State University, Three Rivers Community College, and St. John’s University.


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