APAJulio Covarrubias Wins the 2018 Essay Prize in Latin American Thought

Julio Covarrubias Wins the 2018 Essay Prize in Latin American Thought

The American Philosophical Association is pleased to announce that Julio Covarrubias (University of Washington) has been awarded the 2018 Essay Prize in Latin American Thought for his essay, “Letting Go of Mestizaje: Settler Colonialism and Latin American/Latinx Philosophy.”

The APA committee on Hispanics sponsors this annual prize, which includes a $500 monetary award, for the best unpublished, English-language, philosophical essay in Latin American thought. The winning essay will be published in an upcoming issue of the APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy.

“On behalf of the APA Committee on Hispanics, I would like to congratulate Julio Covarrubias for his fine essay, ‘Letting Go of Mestizaje,’” stated Robert Garcia (Texas A&M University), chair of the committee. “It was the clear winner and we are proud to support and award Covarrubias’s contribution to the literature on Mestizaje.”

Mr. Covarrubias is a doctoral candidate and teaching assistant in the department of philosophy at UW.  His research focuses on racial oppression and anti-colonial theory, and his dissertation draws on critical race theory, Indigenous studies, and Latin American philosophy to elucidate the social position of Latinxs in the US.


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