Issues in PhilosophyThe Philosophy Guy Podcast: Philosophy Outside Academia

The Philosophy Guy Podcast: Philosophy Outside Academia

Hello everyone, Brenden Weber here, host of The Philosophy Guy, a podcast about the many ideas in philosophy that are popularized by our society and culture through movies, TV shows, public figures, and the books all around us. Philosophy is everywhere and my goal is working to understand and investigate those ideas all around us. In understanding those ideas, I don’t mean just understanding; I mean applying those understandings to our lives. Even if you disagree with various ideas in philosophy, there’s always a lesson to be learned from them and applied to your everyday life and thinking. This podcast takes a deeper dive into the ideas raised by the pop culture entertainment we know and love.

Never before have significant, fundamental questions of how to live and what to believe felt more important. Immigration, abortion, gay marriage, drug policy, and gun control––the list of controversial topics demand our attention as they surround our lives in the age of social media. But even more, substantial questions beyond the scope of politics are at play. Our existence, the meaning of life, and the understanding of our values are philosophical concepts framed as moral issues on which one must have a stand. But have we been equipped with the tools to apply these fundamental concepts to our lives or even have a dialogue about them?

Many young peoples’ first (and only) exposure of philosophy comes from “textbook coverage” of big names and popular ideas taught in the classroom. When they learn in this way, they often never develop a deeper interest in discovering why philosophical questions are important, or how they shape our understanding of life itself. They are left with no mechanism to apply the array of philosophical concepts to their own lives. When they walk away from the classroom, they leave philosophers and their theories behind in an ivory tower––untouchable ideas from ancient men.

My podcast is looking to help fill this gap of understanding by exposing and explaining the hidden yet prevalent philosophical concepts and questions of ideas that are all around us––in books, movies, television shows, and more. This podcast uses pop culture as a way of teaching ideas in a relatable manner in which the average young adult living in western culture can engage with.

When one seeks entertainment through popular media, they are exposing themselves to a myriad of ideas that help them think and feel while exploring societies passions and conflicts. The millions of individuals who partake in this past time may not recognize all the connections and hidden messages within media which have been prevalent in philosophical thought for centuries. This is because the way ideas are taught dares not to venture down the road of pop culture––but The Philosophy Guy does just that.

With a goal of helping people develop a well-rounded intellect in virtues, integrity, humility, civility, empathy, a sense of justice, and confidence in the ability to reason, The Philosophy Guy will explore the bigger questions of life through an unconventional perspective. Becoming a complex thinker takes practice and time, but this podcast will help build a foundation so the listener can understand a wide range of theories and ideas.

You might be wondering how we discuss these important ideas without overwhelming an audience with bias. Acting as an arena of sorts where ideas become reviewed and challenged, pop culture entertainment helps in mitigating that bias. Pop culture, a universal language that unites us while simultaneously making us think, is a peaceful foundation from which theories can be examined and dissected. Listeners can internalize these ideas and use them to build their understanding of the world.

Unlike our education system which too often teaches you what to think rather than how to think, this podcast refrains from attempting to persuade you. Instead, it will sow the seeds for a skeptical and curious mind.

If you would like to learn more about the podcast or offer up your support visit The Philosophy Guy.

Brenden Weber

Brenden Weber (@brendenweber_) is a writer and podcaster living in SLC, Utah with a passion for all things philosophy.Don’t let his monotone voice fool you––he’s enthused about the podcast. Brenden received his BA in Political Science and Minor in philosophy from the University of Iowa. He’s currently applying to Masters programs in Philosophy to begin earning his MA next fall. He’s always looking for advice on life, philosophy, and the podcast––feel free to email him here.


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