TeachingCall for Pitches from Associate Editor, Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall

Call for Pitches from Associate Editor, Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall

by Sabrina D. MisirHiralall

I am delighted to join the Editorial Team of the Blog of APA.  As the Associate Editor of the Blog of APA, I manage the Teaching Beat as well as the Work/Life Balance Beat.

My hope is that the Teaching Beat will serve as a forum that provides a space for educators to share helpful pedagogical practices for teaching philosophy.  Particularly, I am interested in pedagogical practices that move beyond the classroom and towards a mentorship.

In addition, I envision the Work/Life Balance Beat as a forum for health and wellness.  Too often, people may forget to care for themselves due to the pressures of work. Adjuncts in particular often travel from campus to campus sometimes teaching up to three classes on three different campuses in one day.  This could cause severe stress that may impact on health and wellness.  For this reason, I am interested in self-care and self-love practices that help to nourish the well-being of people as they think of the work/life balance.

I am excited to work on these projects as a part of the Blog of APA and I invite APA Members to submit pitches for the following:

Best Practices in Pedagogy (Graduate Students)

I invite graduate students enrolled in philosophy programs to write an article about the best philosophy classes that they have experienced and how the philosophy program (undergraduate or postgraduate) has helped them.  The article should highlight the most effective teaching tools and pedagogies that the student has come across, and specific texts and ideas that have been influential. Overall, I invite articles that portray the significance of philosophy classes and the philosophy major.

Please send pitches to me (sabrinamisirhiralall@apaonline.org), including a short 50 word bio stating your institutional affiliation, area of specialization, and the year you expect to graduate.  In addition, please include any URLs to your current professional websites, such as LinkedIn.

Best Practices in Pedagogy (Professors)

I invite philosophy professors to write an article that shares innovative pedagogy for the philosophy classroom.  This includes pedagogy for in person classes, hybrid classes, and online classes.  I ask philosophy professors to contextualize the tools and practices that they use in different philosophy courses.

Please send pitches to me (sabrinamisirhiralall@apaonline.org), including a short 50 word bio stating where and what courses you currently teach.  In addition, please include any URLs to your current professional websites, such as LinkedIn.

Self-Love in the Academy (Interview Series)

I invite academics to participate in an interview series about self-love. The goal of this series is to consider the essentialness of one’s well-being.  It is often easy to become consumed with actions that push the self aside even though care for the self is vital to well-being. This interview series on self-love asks academics to highlight the challenges that they have had with self-love and share how they have overcome these challenges or are working towards facing these challenges.

If interested in participating in this interview series, email me (sabrinamisirhiralall@apaonline.org) for more information.

Sabrina D. MisirHiralall, Ed.D. serves as the Associate Editor of the APA Blog.  She currently teaches part-time for the Women and Gender Studies Department at Rutgers University as well as the Educational Foundations Department and Religion Department at Montclair State University.  She served as the lead Editor of Religious Studies Scholars as Public Intellectuals. She also is author of Confronting Orientalism: A Self-Study of Educating Through Hindu Dance. You can email pitches directly to her at sabrinamisirhiralall@apaonline.org.

Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall is an editor at the Blog of the APA who currently teaches philosophy, religion, and education courses solely online for Montclair State University, Three Rivers Community College, and St. John’s University.


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