APACall for New Associate Editor

Call for New Associate Editor

The APA Blog is looking to take on a new associate editor. Blog editors develop, solicit, and edit blog content, and help manage the blog—including activities such as regular video-chats with the rest of the editorial team, moderating comments, reviewing pitches, and brainstorming proposals for the blog. Blog editors receive a modest stipend and it is a part-time role.

If you are interested in being considered, submit the following items to blog@apaonline.org with the subject line “Associate Editor Application” by August 30, 2018:

  • Cover letter
  • Brief CV (4 pages maximum)
  • Statement of interest (1-2 pages)

The statement of interest should outline your qualifications for the position, what interests you most about the APA Blog, and what you could bring to the blog as an associate editor.

If you have any questions, please email blog@apaonline.org and we will respond as soon as possible.

We look forward to receiving your applications!

Skye C. Cleary PhD MBA is a philosopher and author of How to Be Authentic: Simone de Beauvoir and the Quest for Fulfillment (2022), Existentialism and Romantic Love (2015) and co-editor of How to Live a Good Life (2020). She was a MacDowell Fellow (2021), awarded the 2021 Stanford Calderwood Fellowship, and won a New Philosopher magazine Writers’ Award (2017). She teaches at Columbia University and the City College of New York and is former Editor-in-Chief of the APA Blog.


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