UncategorizedVoting is now open for Divisional elections, board member-at-large election, and GSC...

Voting is now open for Divisional elections, board member-at-large election, and GSC elections

Today begins the 30-day voting period to elect new divisional officers, a new member at large of the APA board of officers, and two new members of the Graduate Student Council.

Divisional Elections

Eastern Division

This year, the Eastern Division will elect a vice president, a member at large of the executive committee, and two members of the nominating committee. Before voting, learn more about the candidates by reading their candidate bios.

Central Division

This year, the Central Division will elect a vice president, a representative to the board of officers, a member at large of the executive committee, and four members of the nominating committee. Before voting, learn more about the candidates by reading their candidate bios.

Pacific Division

The Pacific Division elections were conducted during the business meeting held at the recent Pacific Division meeting in San Diego. Members of the Pacific Division are encouraged to vote on the board member at large using the ballot link below.

Member at Large of the APA Board of Officers

Following an open nomination process and deliberations by the nominating committee, four candidates now stand for election for the position of member-at-large of the APA’s board of officers. The person elected will serve a three-year term beginning July 1, 2018.

The four candidates for election were given the opportunity to submit candidate statements, photos, and other ballot information. Members are encouraged to review the candidate information prior to voting.

Graduate Student Council Elections

Following an open nomination process, six candidates now stand for election for two elected seats on the Graduate Student Council. The two candidates who receive the most votes will be elected to two-year terms on the council beginning July 1, 2018.

The candidates for election were given the opportunity to submit candidate statements, photos, and other ballot information. Student members are encouraged to review the candidate information prior to voting.

Voting Process

Divisional and Board Elections

Only full (regular and emeritus) members of the association affiliated with one of the three divisions are eligible to vote in the divisional elections. You must be signed in to the APA website to access the ballot links below.

To vote, select the ballot associated with your division from the list below. You will only be able to access the page containing the ballot associated with your division.

Central Division ballot

Eastern Division ballot

Pacific Division ballot

Graduate Student Council Elections

Only student associate members of the APA are eligible to vote in the GSC elections. You must be signed in to the APA website to access the ballot link below.

Graduate Student Council ballot

Voting will remain open for 30 days, closing on Friday, May 18.



    APA wanna be Til Fanny has announced his bid for Emperor Of The APA on the Crackpot Philosopher Ticket. In his announcement article Fanny bellowed the following logical reasoning…

    “If answers to the deepest questions could be found within the group consensus, within that set of ideas considered sensible and reasonable, we would have already found those answers. If solutions to humanity’s most pressing challenges could be developed by operating from commonly held assumptions and mining the wisdom of the so called experts, those challenges would have already been met and conquered.

    Thus I reason unto you dear voters, that what the APA should be most intensely focused on are those notions widely considered to be crackpot ideas, for it is only there that we will find anything new.

    If elected to the post of Emperor I will immediately disband all committees and offices, cancel all meetings and conferences, and outlaw the publication of all fancy talk articles on obscure subjects, so that the collective genius of intelligent very well educated members of the APA can focus all it’s energy on applying crackpot ideas to the most pressing challenges faced by the modern world.”


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